Monday, December 3, 2007

(non) Love Story II

Where the Sam Hill was I?

Oh yeah--I can't sleep cos I took a risk and drove all the way up to McCoy's here in Chi

to stop myself from getting w/him
nothing for me but an ache
it's been 11 mos
said I to myself
I need to feel--
I want to be
aahh sheeeyat
self blame why didn't just say hey I don't LIKE this
I hate it, BTW
he got up dressed and disappeared
I realize that he's NEVER going to give me anyTHING ever
so I fixed up
noticed a very pretty 49 yr old face and I knew that if I didn't get the basic fuck outta there I was going to die
of lonliness
I go it's so "over",
so I got out
drove A-
here's the grim part:
Uturned talking to myself
don't just leave w/o the TALK
lied (now that made TWO of us Aries in the Olympic lying finals)
I pretensed that I left my ahem lacy bits behind--
attempted to engage the asshat in a TALK
he rudely avoided like the 20 something he is
that I thought I could handle manipulate get my own back make do MY bidding
and he walked away from me;
called the snatch that was ringing him all the 10 min he was bleeping me
and said nada nothing about moi
by now I was racing to get outta there and back to MY fam
where I am safe
some fucking snatch-just-talked-to Mc-on-the-cell is standing there all 120 lbs of her brunette 20 something-ness right next DOOR with an Acura for sobbing out loud
I lowered my Cavalli shades gave him the dark brown eyed hate-look of my life and squealed outta there
gort all loose hours later on mimosas @ fam brunch
and called his ass and got the last word(s)
am I safe from the un-protected sex wit'cha
oh yeah and if you want(ed) to have an affair w/ me this is the big time and you can't EVEN deal

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